Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Old Macdonald Had A Farm Game

Do you know Old Macdonald Had A Farm Song? This is a very famous children song about animal sounds and a farmer named Old Macdonald. The lyrics of this song have been translated into many languages such as Danish, French, etc.
Do you have toy animals? you can sing Old Macdonald Had A Farm song and play Farm Animal Game with your toy animals ?
Now, here we go !

old macdonald had a farm

How to Play the Farm Animal Game
Get ready.
1) Ask your parents for a basket or a bag to be the barn for your toy animals.
2) Pick a few toy animals to play with. Put the toy animals in the barn.
Perform the song.
3) Stand up and sing the song "Old MacDonald Had a Farm Song." These are the lyrics:
Old MacDonald had a farm,
And on his farm he had a cow,
With a moo-moo here, and a moo-moo there,
Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo-moo.
Old MacDonald had a farm,
4) Perform the song again. This time, when you perform, "And on his farm, he had a _____" -- stop.
5) Close your eyes and pick a toy animal out of the barn.
6) What kind of animal you have picked is it ? 
7) Perfrom the rest of the song about the animal you picked.
Dance like an animal.
8) Pretend you are the animal you have picked. Make the sound liek the animal. Move like the animal moves. When you move while you perform, you are dancing.
9) Sing the song again about the animal you have picked. Keep dancing and moving like the animal.
Keep playing.
10) Perform the song again. Pick another toy animal.
11) Pretend to be that animal. Perform the song again and dance around the room.
You should keep playing until there are no more toy animals in the barn.