old macdonald had a farm
old macdonald had a farm
old macdonald had a farm

Friday, September 29, 2017

When should children be educated about music?

1. Educate music anytime, anywhere

The fact that pre-school musical education shows that children's musical ability can not develop on their own is a process that requires learning - continuous - continuous learning. Teachers need to get children to get acquainted with music anytime and anywhere. For example, in the morning picking up children, listening to music, listening to songs such as Old Macdonald Had A Farm in and out of the program age-appropriate. Children listen to many times will feel the tone of the song, like to hear and sing like you. Outdoor activities also require children to become acquainted with the music, to sing theme songs, to teach them through the content of the songs.

2. Educate music through other school hours

In all activities, teachers can integrate with usic education, based on the lessons learned, lessons not learned on each topic, the subject of the unit to have the most appropriate integration direction.

All classes can integrate music education, in addition to reviewing old knowledge, new knowledge is also familiar to help light and attractive hours to help children more comfortable learning.

When should children be educated about music?

3. Music education during music lessons

Due to the characteristics of preschool age, when teaching and teaching to children, teachers should follow the guideline "Learning to play - play and learn" under the new preschool education program. One hour of music she builds in different ways, each time choosing a major focus in an activity.

If the focus is to learn singing, the teacher should focus on the content is to set the children singing the song, sing the lyrics, the right music. If the focus is on listening to music, the teacher needs to pay attention to listening to the song must last longer, mainly children to hear her sing, children feel the nature, emotional music should respond to the emotional state included in the work.

 4. Educate the music through the corner hours

In one hour of activity, children can not sing and maneuver the song, because in this age children are easy to remember but forget. It is necessary for children to get acquainted with music all the time, especially in the corner. During the corner activities, the children play innocently, boldly, like to dance back to the lessons learned and like to reflect the work of adults.

5. Educate the music through performing activities

Teachers should organize music contests in class. There are music instruments for children to perform like a show, children play the role of: Band, music player, singer ... teachers prepare gifts for the children won the prize. Children will be very excited, brave, confident to participate in music activities, enjoy performances and passion for music.

The positive perception of children with music is not only in the children singing songs taught by the teacher. The knowledge and skills of music in children will be formed and last longer when children are trained regularly and participate in performances .... All forms of musical performances such as: Singing, singing, singing, dancing, singing, playing music, etc. will give children some excitement and if successful performances will have valuable educational value. In particular, musical performances help children to be brave, confident in front of people, children will love to participate in the festival, enjoy listening to music ... help children step by step feel and evaluate music as well as the number of works children are heard, learned. Form the first base for music tastes in children.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

How to teach kids English effectively - Old Macdonald Had A Farm

1. Learn through channels outside the classroom

You can also help your child learn English at home more effectively through the lyrics (such as of Old Macdonald Had A Farm), movies, foreign contact in public places to go through ... Currently, technology development is not too difficult to. Looking for effective language learning tools, you can use Laptop, Iphone, Ipad. Songs will help to attract more attention to the forms, patterns, patterns of sentence structure. The contribution to the success of teaching English through songs is to reduce stress in the learning process, to create excitement and to promote effective learning.

2. Choose a simple "formula" to learn English for children

Often many people make the mistake of learning English as they focus on grammar rules. An experienced English teacher once said, "Grammar in English is essential, but not too important, if you are not proficient in the vocabulary that will only tangle and clump while learning."
The second mistake, listening to English too little. Our learning of foreign languages ​​is going against nature. How did we learn our mother tongue? It's the way that when we hear people talk to each other through our daily lives, then we start repeating what we have heard and then going to grammar school.

How to teach kids English effectively - Old Macdonald Had A Farm

3. Choose the best place to study

Choosing the right place to learn English plays a very important role in your child's success. The first criterion parents need to pay attention to is that the place of study satisfies the goal of leveraging English vocabulary fluently and other necessary skills.

For example, if you want to learn English in American accent, then you should choose a school where there are native American teachers. Because no one understands and does better the work of teaching children in the local dialect of the natives. The most important thing in language learning is the opportunity to practice regularly, the environment that will encourage children to communicate in the language. At school, the children will have the opportunity to learn and practice with native teachers and their peers. This enhances the ability to reflect English is optimized for learning and developing language ability for later children.

In addition, learning English through film on Youtube is also an effective method of effective parental education that global parents have adopted. With funny and funny videos, the children will listen to the conversation in English with the right tone and the best use of words. Listening to many times from childhood, she will love and love English. From now on, parents should try to apply the above methods to help them have a good foreign language.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Old macdonald had a farm - Article on child-centered activities help to keep your baby smart

Your child needs you. Only in very simple ways has science proven:

Interact with your kids

1. You can play music suitable for children and sing along, dance. Listening to songs such as Old macdonald had a farm is not only fun but it also helps children develop motor skills, emotions, creativity, and intelligence in general. Playing music is even better: activating many different areas in both hemispheres of the brain.

2. Your child needs you to interact, talk to him. Besides feeling loved, this is a very simple way for children to develop language.

3. Reading books for children is a good way to spend time with your child: teach your children interesting things, and rely on it to talk, help children learn new words, encourage thinking, help children increase their ability to exercise Medium, and make reading habit so that children can learn by themselves.

4. You can move with your children. Just going out for a walk, encouraging kids to run is enough. Mobility is the way children develop their brains.

5. I need you to spend time with me, listening, caring, sensitive, showing love to my children. Feeling safe is the first factor for intelligence to develop. Hold your baby very much. Science shows that a simple but effective hug has many effects: reducing stress, boosting the immune system, increasing the sense of well-being, feeling safe and developing self-esteem.

Old macdonald had a farm - Article on child-centered activities help to keep your baby smart

Instead of teaching reading and focusing on school-based skills such as at age four and coming to age five, I teach the following:

Love animals and nature

I give her out when possible. Walk around the lake to show some animals, lotuses, plants, birds ... My house cat, so I let him play with cats, take care of cats.

I read and explained to her what the Earth was, how the plants grew, how the animals lived, why endangered species, plastic bags and how much harm the environment had. Only see the seals that are about to be eaten by the polar bears, as the baby has protested, wanting to protect the seals.

Be courteous and respect the people around you

Instead of just teaching me hello, I teach my children to respect everyone, whether they are babies or old people. I teach my children to thank them, excuse everyone, talk small when they are out, throw the waste in the right place, do not take the wrong things, queue when charging or wait to the toilet. I teach my child if he wants to ask for help, he must speak softly, full sentences.

When talking to others, do not use the phone or the electronic equipment. My family is also limited to using iPad for about an hour a day, and will not allow the use of a smart phone until he is older.

Learning self-reliance and responsibility

I encourage my child to do things he or she can do on his or her own, from simple things: walking on shoes, taking shoes, putting toys on, picking books, watering plants, picking up chopsticks, removing dirty clothes into the laundry basket

Love, share and accept

I encourage and explain to him why he should share with you or you. I do not always follow, but I do not blame it, but wait until she is calm to talk to her to help her analyze the situation.

Having children is also very beneficial for your baby. She has the opportunity to learn how to share everyday and help me when I ask. I help her understand if she is not perfect, I still love her, but that does not mean that I agree with him when she behaved unreasonable.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Old Macdonald Had A Farm - A good song to learn English

An effective way to increase vocabulary and review many times without boring is to listen to many English songs like Old macdonald had a farm. Just like learning English through film, there are many questions about learning English through the songs I've met, and in this article I will talk about learning English through songs and hyungs. Hope to answer your concerns.

1. What is the downside of learning English through songs?

The first is with English songs that you can hardly understand it, this is true, because even in your mother tongue, then you can easily catch so many songs that you do not understand what they are singing again. This relates to how they use words and its meaning in sentences and is sometimes very weird and completely natural, making you hear but feel very confusing.

Besides, when the singers sing often, the sound ... will be different than when speaking, you will almost hard to hear than normal.

So, if you're too focused on learning English through the song, when you consider it the main method to improve your English, you take a song out to analyze the sentence structure. Dhamma, ... is absolutely nothing to help you.

Old Macdonald Had A Farm - A good song to learn English

So what is the benefit of learning English through songs?

2. Learn English through songs that bring many benefits

As mentioned above, learning English through the best songs when you have the right songs, avoiding the use of slang songs, rap, complex feelings .... Choose songs that are easy to understand and understand.

First, learning English through songs will help you to speak more accurately and speak fluently. This is true, and most people with good speech, standard, good, good phonetics in English communication that they know are interested in singing and listening to music in English. You realize that language is really just a repetition and repetition, look at how a child learns a foreign language, you will understand when you want to memorize something, it is just a repeat repeat.

Learning English through songs helps you get used to the troubles of learning English like sounds, connecting sounds, and so on. And when learning English through songs, your imitation of singing will help you. Gradually grasp the pronunciation, pronunciation is more standard because of trying to sing the same singer. The special thing is that learning English through the song helps you to learn the phonics in a very relaxed and enjoyable way and thus will help you to progress faster.

Next, although we say that your song is difficult to understand the meaning of it, however, if you know the selection of light, easy-to-hear songs, and the right lyrics, learning English through The song will help you increase your vocabulary, help you understand English better.

In short, as mentioned above about the advantages and disadvantages of learning English through songs, you can see that learning English through songs will help you significantly improve your ability. to pronounce, to help you to speak and to speak more standard, more proficient and to provide a platform to develop better listening skills. However, watching English learning through songs as a main tool, entertainment provides extra support for you rather than to see it as a major tool. And choose the right song to avoid the disadvantages that I said.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Old Macdonald Had A Farm | Great benefits for kids

Parents often think games are dangerous to their children. However, if you know how to choose the right games such as Old Macdonald, it will not only help children have more fun channels, but also bring other benefits to the surprise.

Improved coordination between the eyes and hands

The scientific evidence shows that gaming games help improve the sensitivity of the hands and make the eyes more flexible. This will help children play well in outdoor sports and many other activities in life. But it is important that you set your child's play time, set a child rule and discipline.
7 benefits of gaming to bring children

Improve strategic skills
The game teaches kids how to get rid of the hardships that will set up planning and strategy skills so they can succeed in later life. It also helps children's thinking become more acute.

Work in team
There are many games that require teamwork, these games teach children how to share work and teamwork. Children will have more lessons to work together to get the best results in the game as well as in life.

Old Macdonald Had A Farm | Great benefits for kids

Help children persevere
With each game, at the beginning of the child will not be able to win immediately. Want to win the child will have to play again. This will help children practice perseverance, a virtue in character as children grow up. Later children will always try, do not give up when the difficulty in life.

Improve mood
Children feel really happy when they do not have to study and are allowed to play computer 1h / day. This will help children get better mood with fun games.

Enhance learning
Nowadays, programmers have launched a number of interactive games that are beneficial for children while studying subjects such as Math, Science, English, etc. By playing interactive games, children will receive Knowledge is easier.

Mount the family
Parents who play games with their children during free time or evenings will definitely make them excited. In this way you are not only a part of your child's activity, but also supervise and guide your child to play accordingly.