Old Macdonald had a farmisa well-known children song. It is one of favorites of many kids not only in USA but also in plenty of countries in the world. The lyrics of this song have been translated into many languages such as Danish, Chinese, Japanese, etc. It is about a farmer called Macdonald and the animals he keeps on his farm. This song is also incorporated in education programs in many nations. Thank to it, teachers can teach their students activities, games, colors, alphabets, etc. It is sung by chilren everywhere from their rooms to seating in a underground train. Due to its popularity, a large number of people have made plenty of videos about this song on Youtube and have earned hundreds of millions of dollars. Following is one of them:
Old MacDonald Had A Farm - Kids Songs for Children with Chupakids
How to teach kids English effectively - Old Macdonald Had A Farm
1. Learn through channels outside the classroom
You can also help your child learn English at home more effectively through the lyrics (such as of Old Macdonald Had A Farm), movies, foreign contact in public places to go th…Read More
When should children be educated about music?
1. Educate music anytime, anywhere
The fact that pre-school musical education shows that children's musical ability can not develop on their own is a process that requires learning - continuous - continuous learning. Teache…Read More
Old Macdonald Had A Farm - A good song to learn English
An effective way to increase vocabulary and review many times without boring is to listen to many English songs like Old macdonald had a farm. Just like learning English through film, there are many questions about learning …Read More
Old Macdonald Had A Farm | Great benefits for kidsParents often think games are dangerous to their children. However, if you know how to choose the right games such as Old Macdonald, it will not only help children have more fun channels, but also bring other benefits to the …Read More